Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thirsty Thursday and Happy Hour Fun!

I cannot believe we've finally made it to Thursday!  This felt like one of the longest weeks in a veryy long time.  However, although it's only 8:00 in the morning, the weekend is almost here (everyone knows Friday doesn't really count).  So tonight we're going to do it up as always: in style and having a blast.

Once I get done at the gym.. let's take a detour right there.  I usually run 5 or 6 miles at the gym (not bragging, it's only dec), but since I've gotten one shin splint (yes, just one), I can't run for a few days.  Does anyone know what it's like wanting to run but you can't because your leg feels like it could just snap at the ankle?  I'm sure someone does.  Soo, I go into the gym now and walk (which I feel it's better to walk 4 miles than to go home and do nothing) in front of all of the beautiful guys.  And, of course, the week I can't run is the week every hot guy brings every one of his hot friends to workout.   Awesome.  But, I would still like to thank Fort Belvoir for supplying the eye candy that is necessary to inspire me to walk, instead of run.

After that I will go home and speed to get ready and then head out to Arlington (I really just need to get a place out there), and meet some of the crew at Union Jacks.
Doesn't this just look so quaint and fun..
Should be a good time.  And, it's always very "adventurous" getting home at 2:30a and waking up at 6:30a to work an 8.5 hour day not doing too much of anything.

I guess we're supposed to do this when we're young, before we run out of steam.  I foresee a trip to Starbucks early tomorrow morning...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Who's that chick?

For the people who know me, they know that I am by no means a touchy-feely, overly-romantic kind of girl.  So, when I tend to have really corny, romantic ideas, I tend to surprise myself.  Let's take the last 24 hours, for instance:

Yesterday I decided that I wanted to go somewhere this weekend... but not just anywhere... somewhere quiet, relaxing, where there's nothing to do but be there.  And I decided on Winchester.

Why Winchester you may ask..

Because Winchester (well, it's actually Stephens City) has a lovely drive-in movie theatre.  The movies that are playing: Cars 2 and Captain America.  Who can say no to talking cars and men in uniform?  Not me.
Of course, for some odd reason, my mind popped into thinking about how romantic it could be.. laying on the hood of a car, eating popcorn, and laughing with a cute boy sitting next to you (sometimes when I get like this I can't even recognize myself).

And it doesn't end there... the movie is followed by a little overnight stay at a hotel and then Saturday brings a trip to a nearby farm (Hollin Farms) where you can pick your own fruits and vegetables, have a nice picnic lunch, and, of course, be overly romantic.  (The more I talk about this, the more lame I feel).

Then, to top it off, I'm sitting at work today when I get an email from saying that I could save $7.50 on my next flower order.  So I think to myself, "Self, how cute would it be if someone had surprise flowers delivered to your house, or even to your work".  (I may have just out-girled myself). 

Really, who would mind waking up or coming in to something like this?
So, the last 24 hours have been full of thoughts of romanticism...

...Crushed by my boss yelling at someone on the phone... thank goodness for real-life!

Monday, August 1, 2011

9 Days and Counting

9 days until I touch down on my beautiful island (almost like home) of Oahu.
Unfortunately, I no longer know any sailors stationed there and so will not have anyone to attend "Dukes on Sunday" with, but I'm sure I can make some friends :)

In order to celebrate my "last weekend" (the third last weekend), before I start grad school, I spent the whole weekend running around.

Thursday night out until 2:30; Friday night out until 4:30; and Saturday night out until 4:00.  Somewhere along there I picked up a cold.. that is not okay.

The glorious crew at Whitlow's Rooftop
Friday night we decided to be different, with completely different lives and personalities.  Kelly was a model, I was a lawyer, and Richelle was a cardiologist.  When we do things, we go big.  Celebrating Kelly's booking and my 27th birthday (neither of which were legit), we ended up getting more drinks from the bartender than we paid for.  Now I see why guys pretend to be something they're not.  They do it to pick up chicks, we just did it for free drinks.  Either way, it seems to work!
(from left to right) Model, lawyer, cardiologist
Of course, I'm some work, so I drove up to Fort Meade to see what my new classroom (19 days) is going to look like.. quite interesting AND intimidating.  Let's keep our fingers crossed that everything goes well!

soon-to-be classroom (I'll get there an hour early on day 1 to test it out and see which seat I like the best.. not like I'm OCD or anything...)
So here I am, Happy Monday everyone, with no voice and no motivation to be anywhere but out and about... I am currently sitting in the dark, getting hotter and hotter as the lack of power means no AC and more heat.  What a wonderful day to start the week!